We improve and enrich the lives of
Austin’s companion animals and their people.
The mission of Friends of Austin Animal Center is to improve and enrich the lives of companion animals, with special emphasis on those in the Austin Animal Center system, and to support the people who care for them.
Austin Animal Center is the city’s municipal shelter, caring for thousands of animals each year. These animals are in the shelter’s care before they are reunited with their owners, are transferred to other adoption facilities or rescues, or are adopted into their forever homes.
As an all volunteer, donation based organization, Friends of AAC bridges the gap between Austin Animal Center and the animals in its care, providing innovative programs to help shelter animals find (and stay in) forever homes. Learn more about our programs here.
Current Board Members:
Jessica Compton
Gina DeStaffany
Lynn Frank
William Lehner
Sonal Patel
Margaret Paulson
Carla Penny
Emily Wells
Kimberly White-Erlinger
Join our board:
The Friends of Austin Animal Center Board is entirely volunteer-run. We’re a passionate group of people who love supporting Austin’s shelter pets through our unique programs. If you’re interested in learning more about our Board and potentially joining us, please email: info@friendsofaac.org.